Its with great pleasure I can publicly announce two new Antarctic Photography Expeditions for 2016! The Weddell Sea Explorer and Across the Antarctic Circle Photography Expeditions.

The Weddell Sea Explorer Photography Expedition will be led by Moab Master Joshua Holko, Pro Nature Photography Daniel Bergmann and myself. This Photography Expedition will embark on Tuesday 9 February 2016 and disembark on Saturday 20 February 2016. Sailing across the Bransfield Strait to the Antarctic Sound dawn where we’ll encounter large tabular icebergs riding currents from the Weddell Sea. The Peninsula’s wild side, welcomes us with a contrasting landscape being an ice-free landscape hiding renowned fossil beds and vast penguin colonies.
We will explore the Prince Gustav Channel, known for its fossil-rich Seymour Island. In stark contrast to the Weddell Sea’s wild isolation, the Peninsula’s west coast offers glaciated peaks rising from a maze of islands and waterways alive with seals, penguins and whales.
More details are coming. Please look here for a full itinerary which will be published soon.
The second newly announced Photography Expedition is the Across the Antarctic Circle Photography Expedition. This Photography Expedition led by Moab Master Joshua Holko and myself ventures into the Antarctic circle where very few Photography Expeditions have ventured before. Heading down to to 66° 33’ South or even further. This Photography Expedition enters this frozen area of extraordinary beauty where powerful orcas and leopard seals patrol the waters whilst ethereal snow petrels grace the skies against a background of bristling mountain ranges and surreal icebergs. Threading our way through an intricate system of icy waterways, we sail for the glorious Crystal Sound at the mouth of The Gullet.
More details are coming. Please look here for a full itinerary which will be published soon.
These two new Photography Expeditions offer unparalleled access to some of the most remote parts of Antarctica travelled to by sea.
If you’d like more information with regards to these two exclusive Photography Expeditions, please contact me.